I know I'm not the first or the last blogger (haha, I'm a blogger) to write about the Golden Globes, but I feel the need. As is my (apparent) custom, I'm going to give you a list of my observations. Please note: I stopped watching at 10:00 because, duh, Travis was on and he needed--no, demanded--my full and complete attention.
- Why was Nicolette Sheridan the only housewife to have a date? Because she wasn't nominated? Was Michael Bolton compensation for not getting a nomination? Sad.
- Speaking of random dates...Mandy Moore? The on again/off again gf of Zach Braff was there in the audience, but she seemed really out of place to me. As did Alanis Morissette. Why were these randoms there? I'm just as unlikely to be in the audience. I wasn't invited. *
- Did the housewives REALLY need to keep kissing each other on the cheek and pretending they were bff? Seriously. We don't care if you love each other. Or hate each other. I'm still not going to watch.
- Awesomeness goes to Mary-Louise Parker for ousting the housewives (much like she was ousted by Claire Danes) and winning Best Performance by an Actress in a Television Series.
- Thank you, Reese, for winning. And for earning me lots of points for my fantasy fashion league. Now, Jenni seems to think that Reese and Ryan are the cutest couple...I don't know that I buy their relationship. Maybe I'm in cynic mode today.
- Why was Hillary Swank there? Did I miss a movie she was in or something? Or was she trying to make a grand first public appearance?
- Way to go to my peeps for winning the foreign language film (and for SJP and Matthew McConaughey for actually looking legitimately excited about it).
- Why was Kristin Cavalleri there??
- I hate Giuliana Depandi. And everyone else who E! employs, to be quite honest. That one girl who was interviewing people, post-show, on the Red Carpet was SUPER annoying.
- The older Ferris Bueller gets, the younger his wife looks. (PS, can you believe it's the 20th freaking anniversary of that movie?!)
- Why do stars' kids always get to be "Miss Golden Globe" (hello, daughter of Melanie Griffith...and I think, last year, it was Kevin Costner's [lucky] daughter).
- LOVED Steve Carell's acceptance speech.
- Oh, Opie looks old and haggard. In fact, so many people looked so much older this year. This does not bode well for any of us, friends. Also included in this list: Don Johnson, Russell Crowe and Rachel Weisz. Not included: George Clooney.
- I will admit Scarlett looked decent last night. However, it was absolutely, positively unnecessary for her to be mouthing her lines as the scenes from Match Point played.
- I don't remember which British person did it (he was a director/producer/and/or screenwriter), but the thank you to MLK, Jr. seemed a little ridiculous and unfelt coming from him. At least in my opinion.
- I hate Teri Hatcher. And Eva Longoria's extensions. And, speaking of EL, if she tells another magazine how she's learning French or she eats a lot, I will...well, I don't know what. But it's annoying.
- Larry McMurtry is kind of creepy.
The End.
*Thanks, Jenni, for setting me straight. Mandy was there because of Entourage (I heart E) and Alanis was there because her song for Narnia was nominated (even though Jenni thinks she should never be seen in public). And Sass, too, our resident awards show expert fo shizzle.
1 comment:
One additional thing worth noting from the Globes (mostly I just want to be on Ronya's blog):
18. Joaquin Phoenix looked horrible. People look like that when they a) have the barfing flu; b) haven't slept/showered in a week; or c) are vampires. Also, did anyone else feel that there is no love lost between him and Reese?
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