Wednesday, January 25, 2006


..that I have odd fascinations and my friends know about (and encourage?) them.

Part of an email I received, today, from Bandit: "changing the subject - i thought of you last night when i saw an ad for a lifetime movie about a cutter."
Let's go back to my English major days and take a moment to analyze this sentence.
  1. "when i saw an ad for a lifetime movie..." Now, was Bandit thinking about me because it was a Lifetime movie or because it was
  2. "...about a cutter" and that is one of my favorite mental disorders?


Anonymous said...

Ew, cutters reminds me of a certain non-favorite college roommate who definitely had the personality of one. Had to mention her in case your mom hasn't recently. Ha ha.

Bordenia! said...

I wish carrottop would be a cutter, of this THROAT.

Bordenia! said...

Do you want to watch the new Lifetime movie "Just One Night" together. It's about a segregated prom. Yes, Raven-Simone is the star.

Miss Scarlet said...

No no no...She's Too Young-Best Lifetime Movie Ever!

lala said...

fix? not so much as just redid the template. the easier option. :)