Wednesday, February 01, 2006


How is this attractive? Now, I am fascinated by eating disorders, but I do not (1) aspire to have one (obvi) or (2) think that the skeletal bodies of those who do have them are in any way attractive. Thus, I enjoy seeing "average" women become famous and I gain some self-esteem when I hear people say that the non stick thin members of Hollywood society are hot, etc.

Now, no one has ever called Fergie a beanpole. I know this, you know this, she knows this. And that's fine. And it's fine for her to flaunt her lumps and her humps and what not because, well, she can. And because it's great motivation for those of us who weigh more than a buck. However, this outfit choice is not one of Fergie's best (sadly, it's not among her worst). It's just not complimentary (in my opinion) in any way, shape, or form. It hugs her in the wrong places. What's with the feathers? Not to mention all that junk...I mean hair.

Josh, Josh, Josh...what sort of spell are you under, my dear? Do you need an intervention? The peeing herself, itself, should send you running for the Hollywood Hills.


lala said...

oooooh, you're right! i dis-heart jessice soooooo much.

Sara said...

Forget the hideous dress, can we focus on the hideous face please? What's up with those eyebrows? And she looks like she's been around the block at least half a dozen times. EW.

LKBeglis said...

Thank god someone else agrees with me on this issue. My own husband even thinks Fergie "isn't bad looking." Are you freaking kidding me? She is as ugly as sin!

Anonymous said...

Don't be rude ☠️

Anonymous said...

You're ugly. How about that