Friday, August 25, 2006

Before you met me, you were nothing.

I'm not sure how good of an idea this is.

Does Heathers really need a sequel? I'd say not as much as Christian Slater and Winona Ryder need kick starts to their respective careers.

Like Teen Witch, Heathers is a movie I hold closely to my heart. Every single day after school in the eighth grade, I'd come home and stick Heathers into the VCR. I had a crush on Christian Slater that rivaled that which I had previously had on Kirk Cameron. I knew every word, every nuance (sadly, I still might, if prompted).

Through its marvelous dialogue I learned the meaning of the word "myriad." And still, whenever I use it or hear it, I see a picture of Heather Chandler grabbing her throat, uttering "CORN NUTS," and falling through the glass table [that we all have as furniture centerpieces in our bedrooms].

I still enjoy the movie. I wonder how this sequel is going to be...if it will live up to the legacy left by its predecessor. There is so much goodness in all of the original's badness. It would be a shame to malign its character with a shoddy sequel.

(Thanks for making this news, DC Universe.)


Miss Scarlet said...

JLo pregnancy confirmed!?

L Sass said...

I really think Heathers is best left alone. What is this world coming to???