Thursday, October 26, 2006

When did I start liking football?

Not only did I watch every episode of Two A Days (at least once, if not more), I am now almost all caught up with Friday Night Lights. I'm glad that I didn't delete all four episodes as I went through a [typical] OCD DVR list cleaning frenzy.

I feel so bad for poor little Matt. He has so much pressure. Poor little guy. Why is everyone mean to him? Football is a team sport. It doesn't all fall on his shoulders.

And, is Jason ever going to walk again? Will Lila really stay with him? Or is this going to turn out a la Dive From Clausen's Pier?

I have been staring at the name "Kyle Chandler" for every episode, wondering from where I know this Coach Taylor. Then it hit me: I do not know Kyle Chandler, I know Heather Chandler. RIP.


Beakerz said...

Tell me about "Two A Days", cause I love Friday Night Lights. Never heard of 'Two'

Sara said...

Friday Night Lights is awesome--everyone is sleeping on it. Saracen will totally rise up to the occasion eventually and Lila is clearly getting some elsewhere. I too stare at Kyle Chandler's name every episode and then I remember he was on Grey's last year--he was the bomb guy that got blown up. He was also on Early Edition which was a pretty good show. :-) I also heart his wife who looks like Faith Hill.