Wednesday, May 27, 2009

So long, farewell.

So, in my easily annoyed state of late, I've decided I've had it with Blogger. As of my next posting, you can find me (if you so choose) at the following wordpress address:
While I'm staying true to my original borrowing trouble roots, I have changed the actual name of my blog to stay truer to the character of my posts. My blog is now called "Telling It Like It Is" because, lbh, that's pretty much the route I've chosen to take as of late.

So, please make note of the new address and come visit. I promise to entertain.


Sara said...

I approve of your final message on blogspot. Nice picture. Tell Freidrich I say hi.

MIKE said...

We would like to do an interview with you about your blog for Blog
Interviewer. We'd
like to give you the opportunity to
give us some insight on the "person behind the blog."

It would just take a few minutes of your time. The interview form can
be submitted online here Submit your

Best regards,

Mike Thomas