And works on my floor. I walk into the kitchen this morning to fill my water bottle (because I'm going to drink eight of them a day! And be healthy!) and what is sitting on the counter but a GINORMOUS box of Tastykakes (don't be j)...and not just one or two, but about eight different varieties. What am I expected to do with this information? Devil, do you really expect me to look at that and not covet one of each variety? Biggest loser be damned. I have a chocolate junior sitting ony my desk right now mocking me. Just mocking me. If I just have one bite...
Having one bite will shut up its mocking, for sure. Or, at least it will go from mocking to screaming in pain -- that'll teach it.
Does she wear a mono-chromatic business suit?
no, monochrome eats powerbars and grain crap. and raisins. ew.
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