In the Christmas spirit, here are things I wanted as a child but never got...(my mom will claim I had
Lite Brite but come on...all those small pieces? No chance she would've let me play with that--and not because I might choke on them but because it would have been a mess). Fingerpaints are a given.

And, just wanted the car, not the cute Asian child.
oh you are so SO going to hate me...i had all of those except the car thingie and the lady who watched over me had one of those...
i think my parents still have my snoopy sno cone maker
oh, i totally rocked the lightbright and snoopy sno cone maker!
i bet you were allowed to fingerpaint, too...and play with play doh in places other than the kitchen...and drink kool aid. because you're white.
DAMNIT! I have now taken Jenni's lead and have the repeating soundtrack of the lite-brite commercial in my head. Will it ever end??
"Lite-brite, lite-brite turn on the magical shining light...."
ha. i was allowed to play with playdoh in my room. my mom and i even made homemade playdoh was fun. i don't remember being into fingerpainting...i was much more of an outdoor most of my playdoh playing probably happened outdoors as well...
i grew up in florida, we had to stay hydrated.
no play-doh, are you kidding? I couldn't have any sugar cereal or sugar drinks.
Cram your racisim :-)
Nicki, I believe it was "Lite-brite, lite-brite, turn on the magic of colored lights!" I totally had one of those and the snoopy sno cone machine. I didn't have an easy bake oven, but I did have one of those cars. And of course I had play doh. What I never had were all the awesome Barbie accesories like the car and the house, etc. I felt deprived. Maybe it was because I am brown and my parents are foreign. Or maybe b/c at the age of 5 I was having Barbie and Ken bang naked.
you were a lucky brown kid. we HAD play doh, we were just only allowed to play with it in the kitchen. because it got in the carpet. i also remember being "taught" how to color in the lines (with the oversized sesame street coloring book) and getting yelled at when i scribbled. seriously. no wonder i'm ocd.
i was allowed to have sugar cereals and drinks. the first word i learned how to spell was c-o-k-e. ha.
Oh my gosh, I wanted that yellow car so bad. LBH, I still kinda want it. I'm sorry but that is so much cooler than the Barbie Jeep. We had Snoopy Snow Cones but I was fat and my brothers probably would have made fun if I ate it. Tear...
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