So the stupid people at [internet site that shall remain nameless so as not to add competition to the free movie ticket racket] gave out too many passes yesterday and I was not allowed entry into The Family Stone. Since I was already in Georgetown and it took me longer than an episode of Dawson's Creek to get there, it was necessary to see a different movie. And, my friends, that movie was Derailed.
Now, I know the reviews for this movie weren't that impressive. And I know many of you hate Jennifer Aniston. But whoa. It was awesome. Edge of your seat, anxiety filled awesome. Lots of twists and turns that surprised even the most astute of movie watchers. Ok, so you really had to suspend your disbelief, and you did have to stop yourself from shouting out commands to the main characters, but still.
I am positive that you can tell from just a few postings that I don't have the best taste when it comes to movies. I'm okay with that (I never have been good at picking them...ask friends about the time I made them go see Folks in the theater because, "It has Tom Selleck in it--how can it be bad??" Oh, it can.). But this one really was great. If not for the above than for this:

PS stop laughing, I did just learn how to do hyperlinks. Deal.
I told you that movie was good!
Xhibit gets his ride pimped.
anonymous, who are you? :) poor winston, huh?
if i had a computer...i would have a blog. i think i would see movies just to have to review them :D
i had not put derailed on the "must see" list..might have to change it's designation.
bummer about family stone...i was interested in how good it actually would be...
btw..did you see the engagement rumors between rachel mcadams and ryan gosling...he is uber creer. did you see that hot make out at the mtv awards. i had it "dvr"ed and swear i made carl and zadhya watch the momentous scene at least three time...all the while me sighing that i wanted a kiss like that.
i have heard the rumors but, as of now, they are still unsubstantiated. i'm on it, though.
yes, you must see derailed. you will love it as much as dory and i did. there were audible gasps and "oh my god"s all over the place. and clive owen.
yes...and clive owen. now he is irresponsibly hot.
did you like the pacey link? haha.
George Clooney gets ousted, on the meer basis of age. Welcome, Clive.
see, i'd rather oust tom brady. i know y'all (haha, haven't said that in a while) love him. but he has effed up teeth or something. i need to think about it. we like older men. george might have to stay ON that basis.
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