"Lala," she said, "You really need to learn to like the lovable dork."
"Hmmm," I thought. "I have never like liked a lovable dork before," I said to LBB.
"I know this," she said.
In fact, it has always been quite the opposite--I usually like like the selectively emotional idiot (to put it nicely). "Maybe it's about time you started," LBB continued. "Look where liking the good looking assholes has gotten you in the past." (The "place," in case you're wondering, is no where). Apparently, in this world, (and I know some of you will beg to differ) good looking and asshole are not mutually exclusive.
When I recounted the conversation to CB, she agreed, saying, "LBH, we're not the un-nerdliest of folks ourselves" (sorry to crush any imaginations those of you who do not know me have of me). Ah, so true, CB. So true.
Sadly, this isn't the first I'd heard of this new approach to relationships/picking men/dating. My recently married friend (whose husband is neither nerdly nor unattractive, mind you) has been telling me for ages and ages the same thing. Without even meeting most of these no longer potential love matches, she has known.
So this got me thinking...ultimately, would I rather have Travis the Bachelor or Seth Cohen? (And, yes, I realize that Seth...I mean Adam...is a better looking "nerd" than most, but I'm also talking about more than just physical attributes here). What is appealing about one is lacking in the other, and vice versa. An interesting thing to think about I think. The naivete, the nerdiness, the intellect, the cluelessness, the normalcy of a "geek" is appealing, I will admit. And, personality does wonders for someone. I mean, it can make or break a relationship, as we are all aware.
(And now for the segue...)
That is why our friend Ashton had such a great idea when he decided to produce Beauty and the Geek. The show, which airs tonight (but at the same time as The OC!), is wonderful. A lit

ok, so maybe he's more into the "let's make fun of the geeks" than he is about teaching us that everyone is special. whatever. :)
I will have to agree with LBB and CB about trying a new "type". I go through this with my friend from college all the time. Her "type" is tall, hot, ex (or current) frat boy. And clearly that has yielded no results in 8 years. I keep telling her to go for someone perhaps less hot who is actually into her b/c clearly her "type" isn't working.
So in short, La, yes, you need to broaden your horizons. :-)
haha, this was supposed to be more about how geeks can be good and less about my mistakes. :)
I am wearing a turtleneck sweater and work in IT, clearly not the coolest person around :-)
La... I think that you ARE on to something. The good thing about the cute dorks (like Cohen) is that they bring out your own inner dork, which since you're somewhat like me, is always just wanting to be itself. And encouraging someone else to be their best self (shout out to Oprah) is what I think love is about these days. Does that make any sense? And... the cute but unavailable ex-frat guys are just that - unavailable. Dorky can be sexy, but the lesson is NOT to lower your standards but to stay on the lookout for that special hot dork, and not be scared that he's interested but not fitting the old mold of charming but aloof. That's my new philosophy, anyways... we'll see how it pans out.
I read this post when you put it out and agreed but not when reflecting upon "Beauty and the Geek", that show makes my skin crawl especially knowing the dweeb behind it all is Ashton. Gag me. I love nerds though, even if it is trendy and passe.
sara*: i agree with you, now that i've watched it this season. last season was better. this season is skeevy. and they're not lovable nerds. but i still like the point that it's beyond looks. even though ashton is teaching it to us. but, lbh, seth cohen ain't exactly hard to look at.
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