And an atypical Lala post, but since the topic of Fergie and her "pee" issues came up at lunch today (delicious, I know) and since our friend Paris has been in the news (and by news I mean www.thesuperficial.com) recently for having an accident in a Hawaiian taxicab, it seemed somewhat apropos.
Also atypical of Lala, I was at the gym yesterday, taking a kickboxing class. What is typical is that the class was made up of females (partly, I conjecture, because we have great imaginations and can pretend the air that we're punching and kicking is a person). Except yesterday, there was one lone gentleman in the class (note: not a place to meet chicks). This man was in his workout gear, which consisted of a gray t-shirt and light gray shorts. We're coming into the homestretch of the hour. We're punching and kicking and sweating. It is very hot in this room full of people. This is very important.
So, we're doing a pretty difficult combination of kicks, punches, and squats. I look in front of me as the instructor yells "HIGH KICKS!" Aforementioned gentleman does as instructed and I notice (as do the two ladies next to me, as evidenced by the deep intake of breath at an inopportune breathing time) that his light gray shorts are seemingly dark gray in a very unfortunate spot. A very unfortunate spot.
lesson: use the restroom before class
People, it was probably just ball sweat. Boys, back me up here.
at least he did leave the class to vom b/c he ate fried chicken and mashed potatoes.
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