...without the ho. I guess if you're Scarlett Johansson you can make comments about how you don't believe in monogamy. Because then, when you act like an unwholesome girl, you have an excuse, because you never believed in only being with one person, anyway. Way to cover your ass, Scar.
I will commend her for admitting that if she finds someone she wants to have children with she will marry him. Because nothing is better for raising children than a loveless marriage.
Also, per this article, she denies making out with or ever wanting to date Jonathan Rhys-Meyers because he's gossipy and likes shoes. Hmmm. I think I'd overlook those downfalls. He has an accent, for God's sake. I mean, she's dated Jared Leto (sloppy seconds go to Linds), she has had a rendezvous in an elevator with Benicio Del Toro (ew. Slimy and dirty. He falls into the Ethan Hawke/Richard Grieco/Keanu Reeves/Christian Slater category for me) and Josh Hartnett (so she likes her brunettes). Jonathan is a bit better than those dudes, in my opinion. But what do I know? (That was rhetorical, btw).
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