Sunday, February 05, 2006

Discovered: bad television afficionado.

JD Roth, after his stint at Fun House (click on title...I know you remember without needing me to remind you), our redheaded friend JD seemed to be quasi successful in the game show/interesting television world. I was first reintroduced to him as I watched "Beauty and the Geek" this morning (slightly less atrocious when I watch it DVRed on a Sunday morning than live, right?) and saw his name pop up as an executive producer. So then, of course, I IMDB'd him and, lo and behold, found he has been quite prolific with his creating/producing work since his Fun House. days. I think Hua Mei and I used to like Fun House (not as much as he liked/likes Full House), but if I recall correctly, it was a bad Double Dare knock off (with better prizes?). (And, yes, we tried out (or attempted to try out, because we both have an affinity for useless knowledge, he admittedly more than I) for Double Dare...there were so many kids, though, that we were secretly escorted to the bowels of the mall garage and given Double Dare t-shirts by Marc's trusty assistant Robin).

And, in case you're wondering, the "reveal" of the geeks' extreme makeover was, as usual, amazing. And now that they're "hot," the girls are all like, "we were always gaga over him" and "we always knew he had it in him." Yeah, getting rid of a unibrow and putting him in some Sevens and a Seth Cohenish jacket will do that to a guy.


Sara said...

F Beauty and the Geek--he is the executive producer of The Biggest Loser! YES!

Bordenia! said...

he kinda looks like an older red-headed Seth Green.