Tuesday, February 28, 2006

JSimp, in all her infinite wisdom.

Apparently, per The Superficial, Jessica Simpson has written another edict to her fans. It's full of the usual Jessica gibberish about how great life is, etc., and contains the token Bible verse. And it ends with this: "Always remember that life is not a problem to be solved, it is a gift to be enjoyed."

I mean, really. Jessica is obviously not treating life as a problem but is, instead creating problems. And you do know that when she said it was a gift she meant Adam Levine/Jude Law/Johnny Knoxville/Wilmer (ok, so maybe not, but you know he's going to show up someday) and by enjoy she meant

Like she could solve a problem, anyway.

PS in Dlisted fashion, let's have a caption contest for the above photo.


Anonymous said...

Alright, so I'm guilty of adultery. Arrest me, Roscoe!!

I-66 said...

"Ashlee lipsynching again? Oh I'm soooo surprised!"