Why did I waste a half hour (ok, it was DVRd, so not really a half hour. But still.) watching Brittny (ugh the spelling!) and Lisa Gastineau talk about how beautiful they are? Are you effing kidding?? What is with these egotistical people? Now really, neither Lisa nor Brittny is overly attractive. In fact, I'd go as far as to argue that their personalities make them even less attractive (LBH, so does my jealousy at the fact that they can, and do, do nothing all day and go wherever they want and buy whatever they want and eat and drink whatever they want whenever they want). Lisa has a weird shaped face (asymmetrical, she kept saying during the show...in not so many words, though, because she probably doesn't know that word) and odd bone structure (too much plastic surgery?). And Brittny has eighth grade hair and has eighth grade makeup, if we're being completely honest.
When asked how her life would be different if she weren't as pretty as she [supposedly] is, Lisa replied that she'd be living in a trailer park. Yeah, Lisa, because only ugly people live in trailer parks (someone better get in touch with Julie Cooper-Nichol and help her get the hell out of Dodge). When Brittny was asked the same question, she just thought. And thought. And thought some more. Then she giggled. But, Brittny [claims she] doesn't think she's that pretty, anyway.
This came after watching a Dr. 90210 episode where we were introduced to some overly hubristic OB/GYN plastic surgeon type named Dr. Matlock who was the biggest cost dropper to ever walk the face of the Earth. I don't care how much your silk Armani shirt cost ($800). Or your Armani suit ($2200). Or your Rolex ($5000). Or your Armani belt ($1100). Or that Armani briefcase ($1900). He didn't tell me how much his shoes cost, thank God (but I do know he drives the Mercedes Monday through Thursday, the Porsche on Friday and the Hummer on the weekend. All black.). And, news flash: your "girlfriend" isn't with you because you're hot and/or nice. She's with you because she's a golddigga. At least Dr. Rey shied away from the annoying, arrogant asshole theme of this episode (or this network) and went to Mexico to do pro bono surgery for the needy. He cried real tears about how he wished he could help them even more.
I clearly watch too much E!. Damn that DVR and its "tape all episodes" option. At least its generic-ness doesn't let it pick shows it thinks I will like.
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