Friday, April 14, 2006

Looks Like...

...I'm not the only one obsessed with RHOOC, or with Slade Smiley. At last check, 20 of the last 25 google searches that led to my blog had to do with Slade Smiley. Yep, he's won America's hearts as the hot, rich, single father of two (who is also slightly perverse and old fashioned and arrogant, but whatever). At least now we know, based on this conclusive knowledge, that if Slade and Jo don't work out (LBH, if Jo decides to get it on with Shane), Slade has many admirers who would be happy to take her place.


Anonymous said...

Will someone PLEASE start an "I hate slade" website? Yes, he's hot, but he's such a butthead to Jo!
I don't know any of these people, but about 54 years ago I lived in Coto, and I can tell you that most of what is going on in this show is true...I finally moved cause a tattoo'd woman who did NOT attend church did not have a chance in hell of making friends in there! If anyone has a question, or wants to know where Coto is, or wants to get "behind the gates" to take a look, I know how...seriously.
Coto De Caza is on Antonio and Oso pkwy's in/near Rancho Santa Margarita. The cross street that goes in to Coto is called "La Promesa."
Just drive up to the gates and say you are going to the Equestrian center. Really. They'll give you a day pass. Just try to look decently respectable, and behave in there, folks...though a few pink haired/purple haired punky girls would be a welcome break from the blond boobie creatures in there!

Anonymous said...

Eek, sorry, it's supposed to say I lived there 4 to 5 years ago, not 54! Sorry!

Anonymous said...

Haha, I also ended up here after Googling "Slade Smilely"

Anonymous said...

I, too, ended up here after googling Slade.

I can't believe how emotionally abusive and controlling he is toward Jo. He is continuously trying to make her feel bad about herself and any independent decisions she makes. I hope she leaves him. Does anyone know what happens with them?

Anonymous said...

two weeks after they got back together and attended Kimberly's b-day party...Jo and Slade broke up...two weeks later he started dating Lauri, and two weeks after dating Lauri he got back together with JO! and thats all I know so far

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update...he started dating Lauri later on?!?!?!

I couldn't believe my eyes last night as I watched Jo come back home to Slade after her lame attempt at "leaving" him. Perhaps this was a re-run and I'm totally out of it...

Anonymous said...

Are you women totally nuts? Is that really how you see this?
Jo absolutely prostitutes herself so that she an have a mercededs and all the fine things in life while knowing inside that she loves SLades money not him. And as for Slade, he is just as bad b/c he knows she just loves him for his money but he is so insecure that he does everything he can to overlook that fact so that he can have the pretty young girl that he nees to validate himself. Look no further than that Hummer he drives. He is just screaming, "look at me look at me, I'm cool, Aren't i cool? Don't you think I'm cool?"
unfortunately they will never work out b/c to people that insecure and shallow so dearly deserve one another.

Anonymous said...

I 100% agree with you on every thing you said, but I must add couple of things, Jo will never find a man better looking than that S.O.B Slade, but I must admit that he is very stupid man, because he goes from one ugly wh*** to the other, for god sake Lauri is a slot and she even looks like it, and Jo is a low class b***, and people like those make me sick, I will bet on one thing jo and slade will never make past engagement, and if slade is the president of that insurance company than who is the hell is Mike? He is listed as president of that company they were talking about. Peace to all the poor people like my self.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with you; it's most likely that Jo is only love with Slade's money and looks. She must have realized what a pr*ck he is though. Until now, it seems she was willing to "just deal with it" in order to keep driving a Mercedes and toting Louis Vitton bags. But even with her shallow reasons for being with him, she seems to be tired of the whole arrangement. What with those pesky kids around to spoil her party life? How lame is that? Just babbling now...

Anonymous said...

one of the housewives, the blonde with the big butt looks just like miss piggy! if they ever have a muppets movie with real people she's a shoe in!

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if Slade Smiley's kids came from the same mother? There was a show where the older boy said he was about 7 when his parents got divorced but the younger boy is like 5 years old I think. And why does Slade have those kids? Where's the mother?

Anonymous said...

The two kids are from two different "relationships"...we know one was a marriage that ended 7-8 years ago which produced the older boy. And, fyi, the only reason people google 'slade smiley' to find out info on this show is that it is such a bizarre name it is memorable. Another the second last show he corrects his title as 'assistant vice president.' If he really has made over a million dollars for the last 5 years--although at this point he says it's just 'adding zeroes'--and if he is not one of the zillion blowhards who act a part aided by abundant credit it would surprise all of us in real America who have to be hard working, talented and educated to make a lot of money. His business skills are non-existent, judging from his flat-footed attempt to one-up the wealthy prospect by asking him in which area of their gated community the man lived, only to be shocked and befuddled when he learns the man lives in a much better area. Having blown that appointment, he goes on national TV and tells the world that the guy is a real jerk and if he didn't have so much money he would have walked out of the meeting! But he recruits Jo and his kid to try to worm his way into the man's family...Now, I don't care if you're from Hollywood or Hoboken, if you heard a person to whom you are giving--according to hotshot bisness exec Slade-- $2 million dollars A MONTH,, don't you think you'd yank that contract after watching the tv show? If Slade can make millions in California--hop the bus, all you talented, hard working real Americans, 'cuz apparently it really does grow on trees out there.... Listen to everything he says. He resented Jo working and going out with her friends. At the end, after he walked out on her at the restaurant because she wanted to go out with 2 girlfriends, she goes to his home to pick up her clothes and just wants to be done; what does he do? He takes the license plate off her car--making her captive once again--saying 'I want to talk.' Is this what women want? And, fyi--I don't even think he's handsome--partly because he thinks he's such a 'catch', saying he's 'almost like a movie star' Oh, please...I hope Jo soon comes to her senses, and realizes there's a real beauty in the love between equals...and real joy in the freedom of money you earn for yourself. He's had two kids by two different women; don't his speeches about being daddy dearest ring a bit false? Smiley couldn't make a go of it with either of them but did create children who don't have a dad at home. I'd love to hear what THOSE women had to say about his pushing the dream of "the perfect family man.' Doesn't anyone else see a lot of holes in his story?

Anonymous said...

Slade is such a loser! He is not good looking at all -- he is goofy, insecure, obnoxious, and shallow. His parents looked horrifed when they visited him. If he can make money than anyone can! I almost vomited when he said, "I happen to be a black American Express card holder, and because of that they shut this store down for me." Is he thick? That furniture store shut down because he happened to be on Bravo! It's so clear that Slade is running away from his former self. He changed his name for God's sake. The best part was when he had that business meeting. The guy he went to impress totally ignored him and tossed him out - -awesome stuff!

I am convinced that Jo was a stipper or something. She is so low class. She only came back to Slade because he probably shut off her CC's. She has nowhere to go and cannot bear to go back to her regular life as a stripper and bar hag!

Anonymous said...

Wow everyone should take it easy on those two. There perfect for one another because there both out of it. More and more I hate the OC. I'll take the snobs in LA anytime!

Anonymous said...

Lauri's face has the creepiest frozen expression that I have ever seen. She is completely expressionless when she talks. She looks like a man in drag. She is terrible. That daughter of hers (the oldest one) is the saddest thing I have ever seen. She doesnt have the looks or personality to land a man with a lot of money to take care of her. She will probably end up as a high class call girl. I know I sound very cruel, but that family disturbs me. There is absolutely no talk of higher education or bettering one's self. She should not have had three kids.....each one is a train wreck. I feel for the little one. It will be a few years before she ruins her life as well.

As for Jo, she has a BA from UC Irvine. I do have a problem with the fact that she can accept that huge ring, mercedes, clothes and Louis Vuitton bags, but she can't stay home and kick it with him and the kids. Yes Jo, we know you are only say it like 50 times an episode, but DAMN, grow up. She is going to look up 10 years later and wish she had been a little more mature. Yes Slade is a creep, but I dont think he is asking for much in return for her free ride.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Jetjagger. I grew up in Orange County (Villa Park to be specific) and was totally shocked at Jo's behavior. My mom, like many of the moms in this show, worked her butt off as a "stay at home mom (SAHM)."

Jo obviously didn't get what "responsibility" means. SAHM doesn't equal not doing crap, and working doesn't mean you get to do whatever you want after work! Most of these moms impressed me (though the plastic surgery was a bit annoying to watch...I feel bad for their frozen faces!), but Jo made young women look horrible, irresponsible, and selfish. Slade definitely wasn't the perfect guy, but at least he took care of his boys and family.

Anonymous said...

This show gives OC and reality televison a bad name. I live in Ladera Ranch- less than 3 miles from Coto De Caza. Lauri's younger daughter goes to my child's school- she does not live in Coto with the rest of them, and the condos she lives in are really ugly and cheap looking, and definately not the most expensive places in ladera. I hope she got paid a lot of money to do this show, because she looks awful in real life and the way people talk about her here is not a good thing. She is whoring her "life story", and her children's lives on national television- with those kinds of morals, no wonder her kids are messed up. She should stop while she can still save Sophie (her youngest) the other two are lost causes.

Anonymous said...

This show has become one of mty favorite shows!!!! I can't help it ! Im addicted to it! And As for Slade - He is a hot hot hot man... I hope him and Jo work out, but I just have this feeling that she will want to live it uo for awhilw longer- she is still young... But I hope they make it... I m availbe (haha) I was seeing a man who looks exactly like him, looks, talk, personality...And brke my heart ! It may be hard to whatch the show. :(
p.s also googling him and ended up at the site

Anonymous said...

What the heck are you guys talking about? We lived next door to Slade and his babe ( M) in Coto until we moved back to our home country. M was truely beautiful and yes she is latin. It's true that Slade looks better in person. I can't believe you Americans are so obssessed with other people's lives.

I was on BRAVO website and I saw this show. I have never seen the show as it's not on here in Singapore. So I ony saw him and his girl friend on youtube. Jo is pretty in her own way. Slade, if you are reading this you know who I am. I am truely happy for you. All the best to you dude.

Anonymous said...

What is thename of the Company that Slade owns?

Anonymous said...

I am kinda addicted to the show, what can I say its interesting what goes on in their rich lives. I think all of us wish we were in their shoes for a day. But really its probably not a bed of roses. You heard what the woman said, we are just like everyone else behind these gates. But I guess life would be more easier if you were rich! ;)

I give total praise to Vicki for working so hard! I read that she is divorced. So is her husband not the father of her two kids? I also think that all these people probably just work the camera too and they act totally different when the cameras
aren't on! I think that Lauri does have it hard and she is very lucky that she has vicki as a good friend, because it seems like can never punish or decided what is best for her kids, she always has to ask vicki what she should do.

As for Slade taking care of his two boys, I think that is totally awesome. But where is the mother? I understand he has been divorced for 7-8 years now with the oldest and then divorced again from the second child's mother. But in most cases the mother always gets the child. I'm not saying he's not a good father, I think he does pretty well for him self. And I also think he is just trying to find a woman to come into his house to take care of his kids. Does anyone know the names of his ex wives. I dont know, I guess I'm just curious on why he got both children and not the mother!

olive oil said...

Slade appears to be very aggressive in the business world, as well as successful. What does Jo have that Slade seems to be so weirdly fixated on?
During the present show, Date My Ex, the notion is that Slade is being a voyeur spying on Jo's dating life. In reality, I think Slade hope Jo flops, and will run back to him. What's up with that?
This seems so twisted and weird.
Slade obviously cannot get past the woman with whom he lived with. (Jo)
Check out Slade's dating history- he has quite a poor track record!
Slade seems to be all about glamour and plastic, showpieces for women. Why cannot Slade find a real woman, with her head screwed on tight, and be a real mentor for his children????