Thursday, July 27, 2006

myPod, yourPod

On the way to work today, my iPod (or, should I say, my non-trusty iTrip) picked up some music that was not mine. This, unfortunately, is not unusual. As I was trying to learn all the words to Kenny Chesney's new album before tomorrow's concert (yes, I am that girl), I all of a sudden was listening to music that was obviously not Kenny. But I liked it.

Having the brother that I have, I have been exposed to many different kinds of music and have become quite good (though he would probably argue) at placing bands that I hear, even if I don't really know their music. Today's surprise concert from my iPod intrigued sounded kind of familiar, but not familiar enough that I knew who it was. What sucks is that I really liked the 20 or so seconds I heard of about seven different songs...whoever it was who was actually listening to the music I was stealing was obviously searching for a song.

So, I didn't get to hear my own music and I don't know what it was that I was listening to. Not a win win sin situation at all.

1 comment:

Miss Scarlet said...

I'm REALLY good at recognizing artists/songs. It's like my gift or something.