I'm not really OCD. So next time I say that I am, smack me. Or nudge me, I'm fragile.
I just watched True Life: I Have OCD. WHOA. These kids are SERIOUSLY crazy. Okay, it's not fair to call them crazy. But they have serious issues. I mean, one kid can't poop because he's afraid he'll get it on his hand when he wipes. And then he'll smell. He lives with his girlfriend, and she puts up with all of his rituals. One girl seriously has a nervous breakdown when she sees someone throw up (because that's common??). To get over this, she wrote "vomit" and "puke" over and over again on pieces of paper. This girl also can't pick out her own food--she makes her mom pick it out for her because "it feels wrong" to do it herself; and her mom is refusing to "enable" her, so she doesn't get an apple when she wants an apple! This other missy is terrified that her mom is going to die. Like obsessed with the idea, even though her mom's not sick or anything. She's weird in other ways, too. Like she can't turn off the light in her bathroom until she stretches out her left arm above her head, looks in the bathroom mirror and smiles. THEN she can turn it off.
I mean, I've read (surprise, surprise) several books about this (it was my disorder of choice for a while, when I took a break from eating disorders and had gotten bored with cutters) and am always amazed. But actually seeing these people go through their rituals was astonishing (and annoying). I can't imagine having that much self control (or, conversely, lacke thereof).
I think, from watching this, that people confuse OCD with anal retentive. Chances are, most of us are the latter. Haha, who would've thought you'd rather call yourself anal over OCD.
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