Friday, January 20, 2006

Um, I'm sorry.

Yeah, sorry that you had to go to jail, Big L, because you hired a stripper for your son's 16th birthday party and you got caught.

Are you serious?! Thank you, Oprah, for putting onto television parents (and by parents I mean adults who conceived children and then let them live in their house) who do things like this. "Parents" who, and I quote, "regret it to an extent" when they hire strippers (I'm going to say it again) for thier son's 16th birthday. Oprah, in all her journalistic glory, finally got the mother to admit that she didn't regret that she hired the stripper but, rather, that she was caught. Caught by the good people at Walgreens, where she took the film her son used to take pictures of the completely nude stripper. In her defense, the mother did tell the photo technician to send the pictures out and not to develop them in the store. Because she didn't want to embarass the family, the store, or the technician. Aww, how sweet.

Apparently, it was against the wishes of the father (aka Big L) to hire the stripper, but he still attended the party and enjoyed himself. When Oprah asked him if he was okay with his wife hiring the stripper against his will, Big L said, "Parts of me was, parts of me wasn't." Which parts, Big L?

I haven't done a list in a while.
  1. Per Big L, it was okay when the stripper was just topless, because young boys see topless women all the time.
  2. The mother had ben depressed in the months preceding the birthday. Duh, her judgment was obviously affected.
  3. They didn't tell the stripper to leave because they didn't want to disappoint the 10-15 males under the age of 18 who were at the party.
  4. They sent the daughter away because they didn't want to expose her to such a thing.
  5. They weren't exposing the boys to anything they hadn't already seen. (Um, simulated sex acts? Really? This is something they've seen? Where do these people live??)
  6. The psychologist in the audience was "touched" that their "hearts told them that this wasn't okay." Their hearts, not their brains.
  7. OMG, the psychologist blamed peer pressure for the parents not telling the stripper to put her clothes back on...they apparently felt like they couldn't tell her to do that, because the kids were expecting her to be naked (and had taken the trouble to collect $150 of their hard earned could go to chewing tobacco money to get her to take it all off).
  8. "If they're going to do something, try something, I want them to do it while I'm around because I'm a caring mother." Oh dear.
  9. Because of what happened, the family lost their business, their house is in foreclosure, the mom has gone back into her depression...and Big L has had to "step up and go to the grocery store."
  10. They are not teaching their sons that women are pieces of meat. They are teaching them to be respectful. "If they want meat, Oprah, they can get it."

I can't watch any more.

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